FTW.39 Kids got gratitude problems?

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #39

If your children have gratitude problems the first place you need to check is your own sense of gratitude.

Although the advent of technology from tablet devices to smart phones plays a significant role is creating child-behavior problems, it can be too easy to lump all the blame on the modern techno-based life style adopted by many children and young people.


Always check your leadership first

Your example as a parent is a strong influence and sometimes its difficult to see an accurate reflection of our own behavior. It’s for this reason why being open to honest criticism is important and having the humility to accept loved one’s opinions is key to making important adjustments.

SInce your spouse and your children are insiders and most often see you in your unvarnished ways, being sensitive to their perspective is important.

One of the keys to a balanced life is being grateful for your current circumstances. I would not say this if wasn’t true in all cases, but because I have my own experience and have heard the testimony of people who discovered peace in life conditions that have been far far worse – I have confidence that it is possible you can achieve an appreciation for your situation. It may take some deep soul searching, but the Way is there for you to find.

We often presume we would be better off if we had done something differently in the past  or fantasize a future as an escape. These are distractions to living in the present and appreciating all that it has to offer.

It is as though our inclinations are to have a sense of omnipresence but only in feeling and without the substance, so we struggle with that internal conflict. We can’t go back in time to redo what was done and we can’t really know what would have happened if we did, we can only speculate. Often things happen and they seem out of control, but if you adopt an attitude that things happen “for” you rather than “to” you – that can provide enough catalyst to help you adopt a healthier sense of gratitude.

So are your children having a problem with gratitude?



P.S. In the video I cover some personal development concepts related to gratitude and happiness.





About Fatherhood in a Technological World

Fathers of young children in today’s modern society are facing unprecedented challenges with the wave of technology allowing ever easier access to the internet. The effect on your children has and will have a great influence on their growth. As a parent, you may be feeling the anxiety of having to confront the challenges of being at the end of the rail of the powerful forces driving technology into the laps and hands of your children.

Your work is cut out for you are a father. Even though popular culture doesn’t do well to herald the value of the leadership role of men in the form of fathers, let me tell you right now, being a father in this time and age has never been more important.

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Challen Yee


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