FTW.19: Entrepreneurial vs Family concerns

Fatherhood in a Technological World – Message #19

Blogger’s Note: I do these write up for these videos right before I publish them, but the videos I often do ahead of time when I have opportunities in my daily schedule. When I watched this video, it’s another, “Did I really talk about this tough subject and now I have to write about it?” 

Yes, it’s back to the serious,  and another big subject and I’m putting myself on the spot to give you some text.

Is your entrepreneurial fervor or your dedication to serve your family a greater pull on you as a person? 

Only you can answer this question, and certainly no one can make that decision for you. Business pursuits and family are not necessarily mutually exclusive but it can take a lot of soul searching if your children are young to take on a new business as an extracurricular activity.

For some people, the need to start their own business is simply the right time for them, or it may be that their backs are against the wall and it’s “do or die” and if they have young children, they have to have excellent time management, mindset and passion for their chosen business to get it off the ground, no matter what the profession. Some professions are more family friendly while others require, for example, a lot of traveling or time away from home.

A part time job on top of a full time job, reduces financial risks, but that can put pressure on your free time. Working with a supportive team and family can help alleviate some of the burden of responsibility, as you drive yourself with the personal hustle involved in starting a new business.

The path to success is rarely in a straight line. There’s phases in life, where you can only do what you easily have time for as long at it serves your business goals. Perhaps your focus is on marketing or networking, and if you are prioritizing your family relationships, you just do what you can.

The amount of raw passion you have for a project is very important, regardless of the rewards. It’s tough to sell yourself or your services or you products, if you don’t have that “something special” that attracts others to you. If you do not have the enthusiasm and confidence, it could be that you have other responsibilities you need to take care of first.

If your finances are in good shape and your profession allows you to live, what you believe, is an comfortable life with an opportunity for investment and savings, you could very well be in a good position not to be chasing any opportunity that you are not ready for.

Through everything, be easy on yourself, strive to be at peace and don’t blow off the still small voice in your mind that is giving you hints on things and relationships you need to attend to.

Remember, it never serves you to look back and regret the decisions you made and you cannot tell which opportunities will avail themselves if you as a result of the path you are Stay open to the possibilities.

There’s all kinds of stories of success and failure in business and family, you do the best to pick the path that is right for you.


P.S. In part of the video, I briefly share an anecdote I heard about Jack Ma. In an article my wife read, he shares his regrets about, when he was immersed in starting companies, one of his young sons played games at internet bars unrestrained and he attributes that to  serious harm to his son’s mental and emotional development. After he realized the dangers of uncontrolled gaming, he directed his product developers not to create any games.



About Fatherhood in a Technological World

Fathers of young children in today’s modern society are facing unprecedented challenges with the wave of technology allowing ever easier access to the internet. The effect on your children has and will have a great influence on their growth. As a parent, you may be feeling the anxiety of having to confront the challenges of being at the end of the rail of the powerful forces driving technology into the laps and hands of your children.

Your work is cut out for you are a father. Even though popular culture doesn’t do well to herald the value of the leadership role of men in the form of fathers, let me tell you right now, being a father in this time and age has never been more important.

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Challen Yee


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