Daily Routine – Meditation

What is a daily routine and why should you care about meditation?

In the absence of a corporate overlord, you need to establish a disciplined routine done on a daily basis that is designed to help you achieve your business goals.

As a home based entrepreneur in a network marketing type business, you can build a business over time built upon a basis of a 2-3 hours routine, if you are disciplined. Keep in mind that daily routine does not include things like coaching, training, team meetings, and traveling (things that may not be needed on a daily basis).

Running your own business takes perseverance, but in network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM), you can achieve a life style of freedom that does not exist in other types of small businesses where the model is exchanging time for money. Moreover, network marketing is a very low overhead business, which greatly reduces the need for investment capital therefore reducing the overall risk involved with MLM business.

So what is a suggested daily routine?

Four areas are important and one is critical once you make the decision to seriously take on an MLM business. This list I originally learned from Ray Higdon through his audio training:

1) Meditation
2) Personal Development
3) Sales/Marketing training
4) Prospecting and connecting

I will cover Meditation today and the others in future posts…

Time for reflection - photo by Challen Yee

Time for reflection – photo by Challen Yee

MEDITATION, also prayer or inner reflection– suggested time about 15 minutes.

Why meditation? Meditation is good for everyone, it helps reduce stress and refreshes the mind and body. When you are responsible for your own financial success you want to recruit every facet of your life to assist, including, and not the least of which is your inner self.

Isn’t sleep as good as meditation? Think of it this way, if sleep cleans out your bedroom, meditation clears out your living room. So no amount of sleep is going to clear out your living room.

I believe most people understand that we are inherently spiritual beings and therefore have a connection with supernatural powers or a connection to the universe via a soul or spirit.

Our daily thought processes are greatly influenced by our normal senses, our prejudices, and habits, which even in the best circumstances will interfere with the “pure” or calm state of mind.

Have you ever emptied your mind of the chatter and received a very strong message? This is one of the values of meditation.

Alternately, I recently heard from a Buddhist monk who suggests that even if you receive nothing and only receive quietness, that is worthwhile to help restore a more balanced thought process. The spirit of giving without expectation of receiving  should occur even in your meditation.

Steven Pressfield, who wrote “The War of Art,” often refers to the mythological “muse” a personal angel of sorts, who often provides divine guidance. Who couldn’t benefit from keeping the lines of communication clear with your guardian angel?

A simple procedure, and you may craft your own depending on your spiritual beliefs, is at the beginning of each day, when your mind tends to be the most clear and relaxed, is to simply and intentionally clear you mind. Sit up in a comfortable position, close your eyes and gently begin flicking away distracting thoughts and endeavor to attain a state of nothingness. Begin with a few expressions of reverence and gratitude.

What can you focus on to help clear your mind? Focusing on your breathing is a useful technique, some picture a simple and pleasing vista or a quiet beach.

Some of the most powerful revelations can occur after you achieve a state of quietness and openness. It is recommended you record unusual revelations during this time as seemingly random thoughts can be of practical value. Especially people revealed to you during this time, consider a friendly call, if they are approachable, to reconnect and to see how they are doing (just a friendly interaction is well enough). Otherwise,  there could be some connection to an obstacle your are experiencing in your life.  I suggest you wait until the end of your session, so you don’t interfere with your quietness. If you manage to remember what you heard or saw at the end, write it down.

If you receive nothing, that is quite okay. Remember, meditation at the very least is clearing out the “living room” of your mind.

End with some expressions of thanks and gratitude.

Do you have any favorite meditation ideas? I would enjoy reading them.


BONUS TIP: Reward yourself before or after your meditation (first thing in the morning) routine with 2 cups of fresh water. This is one of the best health and detoxification practices you can do for your body.

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I’ll see you… on the next page

Challen Yee

Challen Yee


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