3+ Lessons for my “World’s Hardest Game” player

5:20 am (went to sleep at midnight curtailing the desire to read a book on my nightstand for sleep instead, alarm was set for 5:00).

Writer’s note: Two of Michael Hyatt’s general suggestions for effective posts are
1) A good title… (sometimes is easy to blast by this when trying to crank out a post). So let’s all spend a minute to at least give a conscious consideration to our title.
2) Post 300-500 words is effective. (Wow, I’ve blown this one many times, cause I can be long winded, but what’s good about writing like crazy is you often can, if you choose, get 2 or 3 different posts out of one little marathon sitting banging out your thoughts.)

This morning I’ve got two ideas tipping my mind, one is my father-to-son talk about “World’s Hardest Game” and the other is “One way you can tell if you are in the wrong company”.


One  easy variant of the "World's Hardest Game" (pretty audacious name if you ask me).  (you-tube)

One easy variant of the “World’s Hardest Game” (pretty audacious name if you ask me). (you-tube)

Last weekend I managed to come up with a blog idea when I was talking with my son about an online game he was obsessing on.
It’s called “World’s Hardest Game”. A pretty audacious name if you ask me.

For those so inclined, it can be extremely addicting, and after a while the music gets pretty irritating, as when my son’s playing it I know what he is not doing (like doing something more useful).

There is a useful aspect of it, however, and this is one area I’ve guided him and that is learning how to create his own version of it. Online there is the ability to use code to develop every aspect of your own “Hardest Game”. So instead of just playing his brains out, he can actually learn something useful and that is the basics of software engineering.

So I task him, “If you want to play it, you need to learn how to design it.” Moreover, since I want to limit the time he plays that thing, I task him to “know what you want to accomplish, what function you want to design or understand before you turn on the computer. And now you’ve got 15 minutes to do it.”

Aside from this, I ventured to help him compare real life to playing this game.

In a nutshell, if you play this game you will “die” several times. Timing and understanding movement patterns is important. You have to be patient and you have to be move your red-square “man” with assertiveness.


3 life lessons for the obsessed 10 year old game player

– “Your “man” can sit it’s whole life safe in a pocket without getting hit by an “enemy”, but to make it more realistic, you should lose energy and finally disappear if you sit too long in a hole playing it safe.”

– “In real life, you don’t have the luxury of getting killed 900 times.”

– “Like in this game, you have to act when it’s time to act, I mean, you have to make use of your opportunities when you have the window. And that window only occurs for a time… and the opportunities you have right now in reality are your school work, making friends, and learning things now and not wait until you’re 18… ”

And I the father, go on with the BONUS TIP, “Don’t worry about if you hate doing something at school, it’s okay to fail as long as you try it and give it your best shot. You don’t have to do well, just try it, school is all to give you a chance to practice so when you do turn 18, you’ll be better prepared for something useful.”

Maybe you’ve gotten something useful from my talk with my 10 year old.

6:38 am (publish)

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I’ll see you… on the next page

Den leader and son

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